

Our Hope Kids Accessibility initiative is dedicated to supporting parents in ensuring that all children in our kids’ program can easily access the message of Jesus. We provide a one-on-one buddy program during our 10:15AM service to ensure that every child in our Hope Kids classrooms is included.

To register your child for this aspect of Hope Kids, please complete the form below. This will enable us to provide the best possible care for your child. Once the form is completed, the Accessibility Coordinator will contact you to follow up.

If you have any questions, please email

Confirmation, consent, and release:

1. I am the parent and/or have legal custody over the child listed above, and have the right to sign them up for Hope Kids, including under any custody arrangements affecting the child. I agree that conditions of custody, if applicable, shall be fully communicated in writing to Hope Oakville including, if requested by Hope Oakville, a photocopy of the section of any court order providing me visitation or other applicable rights.

2. I have completed the form above accurately and in particular, have included all relevant medical information.

3. I understand that my child may not be permitted to attend Hope Kids if they are ill and in the reasonable opinion of Hope Oakville, their participation would expose other children to an unacceptable risk of illness.

4. I understand care is taken for safety and good health of my child and they will be supervised. I acknowledge, however, participation in physical activities that may occur at Hope Kids carry with them an inherent risk. I agree that if my child is injured, provided every reasonable effort is made first to contact me and the other emergency contact(s) listed above, medical staff selected by Hope Oakville and attending my child, exercising due care, are permitted to provide proper medical treatment including medication and surgery for my child as deemed necessary.

5. In the unlikely event that my child is injured while participating in activities while at Hope Kids or en route to such activities my child and I relinquish all rights to recover damages for any and all injuries sustained by my child during or en route to activities. In consideration of Hope Oakville granting my child permission to participate in Hope Kids, I hereby release Hope Oakville, its elders, staff, employees, and volunteers from liability for injuries caused by negligence on their part.

6. I consent to images of my child taken at Hope Kids being used by Hope Oakville for future promotional and educational purposes both at Hope and elsewhere. I have read and understand this confirmation, consent and release, and I confirm and agree as set out above.