“He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.” (Matthew 28:6a) Every day is Easter when you live in the hope of Jesus Christ! Here’s a clip from Sunday’s message and the full sermon is up on our website. Listen again to celebrate our RISEN Saviour today!
Our last video in our teaching series for Easter asks the question “Why does it matter that Jesus died during Passover?” If you’ve never thought about this before, we are excited for you to learn about this amazing truth!
Guess what! While our Worship Centre may be restricted to 15% capacity, outdoor religious gatherings have no capacity as long as you are able to social distance. That means that we are opening OUTSIDE OVERFLOW for the 10:15AM, 12PM, 3PM, and 5PM services! Registration is now open. Pastor Robbie has all the details and he is very excited, so check it out!
We’re well into Holy Week and are focusing our hearts on the sacrifice of our Saviour. Here’s a moment of truth from last Sunday’s message. Be sure to watch the full sermon on our website and join us in prayer through our Week of Prayer.
This week, as we head into Easter, we asked the question “Why do Christians worship on Sunday?” Here’s a brief look at why Sunday is considered the Lord’s Day and how the resurrection changed everything. Join us for our Good Friday service as we answer our last question in this series: Why is it important that Jesus died during Passover?
As we prepare our hearts for Easter, we’re asking a few questions like “Why was Jesus in the tomb for three days?” Here’s a link to watch last Sunday’s video again, and next Sunday we’ll talk about why Christians worship on Sunday.
When Jesus becomes invaluable, our worship will be incredible! Pastor Earl’s message from Sunday kicked off our new series leading into Easter. The full message is available on our website, and please share this moment of truth with your friends!
Imago Dei means that Jesus loves children and that Jesus loves women. On Sunday, Pastor Craig gave a loving and biblical message about the sanctity of all human life, and we strongly encourage you to listen to the full message. You are loved! https://youtu.be/xWps-KSUyjA
Did you see Sunday’s Hope Missions 2021 update on SEMBEQ Seminary? We partner with this ministry located in Quebec, which is less than 1% evangelical Christian. We are so encouraged by how the Lord is working through this ministry, and we invite you to watch this interview with François to learn how you can partner with them practically and through prayer!
“Every human being, regardless of race, culture, or background, bears the image of God and is therefore worthy of dignity, respect, and love.” Sunday’s message on Imago Dei and Race is available on our website. If you missed it, we encourage you to listen today! Be so encouraged by the beauty of imago Dei and what that means for every human being.
Do you feel like you’re looking anywhere and everywhere for hope, identity, and peace? Pastor Robbie has a message for all of us, no matter where we’re at. Check out this clip from Sunday’s sermon, and remember that the whole message is available on our website. You are loved!
Sunday’s message on marriage isn’t just for couples. “The whole of society is blessed by the foundation of healthy marriages and the relationships therewithin.” Not sure how or why? The whole message is up on our website! https://youtu.be/-flyKHOK6GQ