Our new series, Imago Dei, kicked off last Sunday. Were you able to join us?
What does Imago Dei mean? Our current series, Imago Dei, will dive right into that question. Here’s a look at what’s to come!
WHAT’S BELOW Why We Should Engage Our GovernmentWhat Bill C-6 is About and Why We Are Encouraging Hope to Take ActionHow We Can Take Action It is sometimes difficult for believers in Christ to determine if, when, and how we should engage with the government directly on issues that intersect faith and life. We believe that God is sovereign and that He has placed our government leaders in a place of authority. We also recognize
Pastor Robbie recorded a special message of encouragement for us this morning in light of the announcement from our Provincial Government yesterday. May we set our hearts more firmly on Jesus in the coming days! We look forward to worshipping with you online this Sunday as we begin a new series in Isaiah 40 called Behold Your God. If you need prayer, please let us know through the Prayer Request Form on our website. You are loved!Your
A statement from the elders to the current provincial lockdowns First of all, Merry Christmas to our wonderful church family. We count it a tremendous privilege and joy to serve with you in these important times. We also want to encourage you that we are witnessing the Lord working in amazing ways as people continue to be both drawn to Hope Bible Church and brought to salvation in Christ in very recent days by His
As we prepare for the provincial lockdown beginning Saturday, December 26, we have information to help you stay connected with your church community. Watch the video from Pastor Robbie below for details on what church life will look like in January, and we have listed those details here for your reference as well. SUNDAY SERVICESDue to lockdown restrictions, our Sunday Services will be live stream only. This means that we will not be able to offer any
“God’s paths are always filled with steadfast love and faithfulness.” In Psalm 25 David is in a season of great trouble. How awesome that we can turn to this passage in our own seasons of sorrow! Pastor Greg wants to walk us through it in this week’s Summer in the Psalms. Watch it today and let us know what you’re learning through our summer series! Watch it here, https://vimeo.com/showcase/summer-in-the-psalms.
Hope Family! In this week’s episode of Summer in the Psalms, Pastor Nathan unpacks Psalm 63. He asks a great question: Are we experiencing the love of God right now in our lives? After you watch this episode, be sure to leave us a comment so we can hear how the Lord is moving in your life!
We are looking forward to the start of a new ministry year this September. Check out this video for an exciting and important ministry update regarding our Pastoral Team. More updates to come in the weeks ahead.