You may be familiar with Psalm 51, a chapter where David pours out his heart in confession before the Lord, but we’re learning that the Psalms are written to help us know how to talk to God. This prayer of David’s is meant to lead us in our own confession and repentance! Here’s Pastor Greg with this week’s Summer in the Psalms.
Even if you’ve missed the last episode of Summer in the Psalms, grab your Bible and jump back in with us! Pastor Nathan teaches from Psalm 88 this week, which is a worship song of lament! How can a worship song seem so hopeless? Let’s find out together!
Check out this week’s family chat with Pastor Robbie!
It’s time for our next episode of Summer in the Psalms! This week Pastor Earl brings us to Psalm 66 and an important call to stop and praise God for His work in our souls. Let’s do that today in the midst of uncertainty, because He is working!
It’s the first week of our new teaching series Summer in the Psalms! Pastor Craig kicks it off by walking us through Psalm 40. Pull out your Bible and let’s dive in together!
We’ve wrapped up Truth in Troubled Times for now, but here’s one last look at those amazing conversations. Which truths from this series spoke to you over the last few months? Share in the comments!
Our church family has many health care workers who have been faithfully working throughout lockdown. We asked a few of them to share a verse with us that they’ve clung to over the last few months. If you’re a health care worker, let us know so we can pray for you this summer as well!
Truth in Troubled Times: SPECIAL EDITION! We began this series in response to a health crisis, but since then we’ve also seen a heart crisis in North America. In light of this, Pastor Robbie sat down with three members of our church family to talk about race and justice. We want to be a church that listens, learns, and loves, and we pray this will be one of many conversations happening in our church on
The last year didn’t look like what we had planned, but God wasn’t surprised by any of it! Here are a few stories of how the Lord is moving in our church family. What are some ways that YOU have seen Him working?
Pastor Greg has a great reminder for us today about sharing God’s work in our lives with the young people around us. Why? So that they will put their hope in Him in times to come.
Zack works as a Recreational Therapist in a Long-Term Care home. During lockdown, he has been living in a hotel, completely isolated from friends and family. Take a few minutes to hear his story of lament and hope and how the church has come alongside him in this season.
This week’s Truth in Troubled Times is a special interview with Thomas Warren, M.D., an Infectious Disease Specialist and an elder of our church. Pastor Robbie asked Dr. Warren lots of questions about COVID-19, regathering, and what our response should be as followers of Jesus Christ during this time.