Operation Christmas Child
We are very excited to partner again this year with Operation Christmas Child to pack shoeboxes and get the good news of Jesus Christ to kids worldwide. This year we're aiming to pack over 4,000 boxes!
There are different ways you can get involved with Operation Christmas Child this year.
Pick up a shoebox when exiting the service, and stuff it full of fun items along with a cheque for $10. This $10 helps cover the cost of shipping and provides training and equipping for the receiving local groups, which ultimately multiplies the gospel opportunities. Please drop it back to the church on one of the collection dates below. Here are some great tips on how to pack a shoebox. Better yet, pack two shoeboxes...
Packing a shoebox gift online is simple!
- Select from a variety of gift items for a boy or girl in each designated age group
- Personalize each shoebox you pack with a photo and personal note
You can return your packed shoeboxes to the volunteers in the front vestibule after one of our services or at the following community collection times.
The final collection days are the following:
- Thursday, November 16
10AM–2PM and 4–6PM - Friday, November 17
10AM–4PM - Saturday, November 18
10AM –2PM - Sunday, November 19
Hundreds of volunteers are serving year-round in their local communities to reach hurting children through Operation Christmas Child each year. They are mobilizing churches, community groups, prayer support and media coverage in order to engage participation in giving shoeboxes through Operation Christmas Child. We are looking to expand our Connect Team in Oakville and would love your support. If you are interested in volunteering with Operation Christmas Child, please contact Olga Sen at OSen@Samaritan.ca